Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Here is a link to an article on another site that is long but well written. 


 Be Ready, Be Prepared!!

Final Communications Prep.

This should be the last entry on communications as I think I am prepared in that category. I added an old CB 40 Channel Radio to my preps.

I got it free, paid 14 dollars for an antenna and hooked it up. It is mainly for monitoring and intelligence gathering. I was able to monitor a guy in downtown today, about 20 miles away. 

I have 2 Meter, and 70 cm radios, HF Ham radio, shortwave and FRS Radios.

I can work digital modes, receive weather reports and send email via HF radios.

I have back up radios for 2 meters and 70 cm, and a back up HF Ham Radio. I only have one dedicated shortwave radio but I could also use my Ham radios to pick up shortwave stations. 

I have 3 different HF antenna, back up coax and connectors. Fuses, wire, cable, grounding straps, end connectors and other odds and ends.

I am going to start working on water and food storage. I still have other projects to work on, fix the old generator being one that I have not finished yet. 

Be Ready, Be Prepared!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Small Engine Repair

I try to start my two generators at least once a quarter to make sure everything runs and I put them under a load as well. I last started them 2 months ago as a storm was approaching Hawaii. My cheap generator has always been a hard one to start and it was no exception this time around. This is a 1200 Watt Power Star Plus Generator, the first I ever owned. Remember, cheap is not always good! I think I paid $89 dollars for it at a car parts store on sale in 2008 or 2009. 

I pulled until the rope finally broke. I always thought it was hard to start because I turned the fuel off and let it die on it's on so the fuel would drain out of the lines. 

So I took the opportunity given to me to learn a few things about repairing it, or should I say attempting to repair it. 

I went to the local Home Depot and purchased a new rope for about $4.50. I took off the pulley and cut the old rope and put a new one one. It took several attempts to get the pulley lined up but it all eventually went back on easy enough. I did have to cut the rope to the correct length so it would pull tight enough to start.

I pulled again several times, but alas nothing. I took out the spark plug and noticed the clip on the plug spring was loose. It looks like it has a metal end on each side that should go into the wire to the spark plug. While I had the plug out I sanded the end and cleaned it up and checked the gap. I put that back together and tried again. NO LUCK.

I checked the oil/fuel mixture as I get lazy and don't mix it and just pour it in the tank, but it looked good. 

Next I checked the Air Filter and then made sure the fuel was getting to the carburetor. I took off the gas tank and the hose from the tank to the carburetor to ensure I had good fuel flow and opened up the drain plug at the bottom of the carb and fuel was coming out. 

I checked all the electrical connectors while I had the fuel tank off and all seems tight and connected. 

I sprayed carb cleaner into the air filter and the spark plug cylinder. Put it back together and pulled, it would run for about 10 seconds and die. I took off the fuel tank, drained the tank and the carb bowl, put new fuel in. Pulled and nothing. Sprayed carb cleaner in and it would start and run for a few seconds and die. 

Did I mention the owners manual did not do me very good? It says if it doesn't start and you checked the spark plug, fuel, and air filter than you should call the company.

As of this writing the Power Star Plus is still not a star and is not running.

I'm glad my other generator is a Honda EU 2000i and runs like a champ. I may order the propane conversion kit for it one day. 

Be Ready, Be Prepared!!!!!