A lot can be said about what type of security you should have and you can never have too much security.
One of the easiest and fairly inexpensive could be a Dog. Man's best friend.
You may train the dog yourself or get it trained, either way you have to be involved in the training process and keep training once the official training is done. A dog can be a great deterrence for home defense by barking at strangers and making themselves known to intruders. If your dog barks at a salesman at your door, don't tell the salesman that the dog is harmless. The salesman could be scouting out your place for a future robbery. Having a good Dog enables you to leave your home with little worry that it would be robbed while you are gone for the day or hours. Dogs can, and most often will, protect family members that may not be able to protect themselves. Young kids, seniors, or handicapped family members.
Dogs have incredible hearing and a sense of smell. They will alert before you even know something might be amiss. I believe dogs can sense if people are bad or good. (Just my opinion, nothing to back up that last sentence)
The cost of owning a dog would be the cost of the dog (You can find good dogs at Humane Society's across the US) shorts, vet bills, dog food, play items, treats, etc. But working with a dog has the added benifits of exericise when you walk or play with your dog.
All in all I think it would be prudent to get a good watch dog for your home and family.
Be Ready, Be Prepared!!!
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