Thursday, August 28, 2014

Here we go?

A lot of things are happening in the world and as we get close to the 9/11 Anniversary can we believe something may happen?

According to reports a lot of chatter has started up and the US is tracking it.  If something happens the impact can be real.

No Air Travel.
Run on Gas and other essentials

These are just the top two that I thought of but I'm sure you can think of more.

I am not one who hopes something will happen. I like the live I am living too much and don't want to live in a Society where I have to worry about Food, Water, and my Family.

But you need to have the basic and think about what you would do.

Monitor the news outlets, not just one news but several. (The internet and TV/Radios will most likely stay up for some time unless the power grid is hit)
If the power goes out use your cell to text, cell towers get over loaded quickly and if they have battery back up it will eventually fail.
Keep your vehicles full. Have extra oil for the vehicles, generators, etc.
Monitor the area you live in for changes.
Have the basic water, food, batteries, gas, generator, money, medicine, and anything else you might need. Don't forget pet food, medicine, and other pet supplies.
No your Local Frequencies for Ham Radio, AM/FM Frequencies and Scanner Frequencies. 

Here is a list of 10 Essential OTC Medications to Stockpile by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD.

Be Prepared, Be Ready, Pray nothing happens!

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